Dr. Rosina Kyerematen holds a Ph.D. in Systematic Entomology from the University of Bergen, Norway, and an MPhil in Zoology (Entomology) and BSc. in Zoology with Biochemistry from the University of Ghana, Legon. She has a special interest in freshwater Entomology and Insect Systematics and Taxonomy.
She has done consultancy work on the environmental impact assessment of the Bui Hydroelectric Power Project, the ACID project at Amanzuri, Initial Biodiversity Assessment of Atewa- Conservation International (CI), Implementation of Conservation Action Plan- GOPDC, Community Integrated Natural Resource Management Project – Okyeman Environment Foundation (OEF), Floral and Faunal Surveys – Geomatrix Consultants Inc, USA for Newmont Ghana Gold Ltd., Rapid Survey for Aquatic Ecology, Southern Ashanti Project – Adamus Resources Limited/SGS, Damang Faunal Survey – Goldfields Ghana Limited/GWS and ESIA on the Bui Dam Project -ERM. She has been a resource person/facilitator for the WHO-AFRO training program on IVM and RTI/NMIMR Entomology and Vector Control Course for field Technicians. She was the local coordinator and a resource person for the Darwin Initiative Project on “Tool-kits for the sustainable management of Ghana’s riverine biodiversity” (2005-2007). She is a team member (Biodiversity Thematic Area) of the “Building Capacity to Meet the Climate Change Challenge (B4C) – Ghana” Project.
She has published several papers and reports and is currently working on the Chironomids and butterflies of Southern and Eastern Ghana as well as insect diversity of selected sacred groves and wetlands in Ghana.