Ing. Ebenezer Ghunney is an electrical engineer and member of Ghana Institute of Engineers with over twenty-five(25) years of work experience in the electricity distribution sector. He is proficient in coordinating and leading the validation of an electricity distribution company’s fixed assets, with particular reference to network assets. He also has extensive experience in audit of electrical distribution networks; audit of existing meters; customer survey and education; identification of existing customer base, registration of all consumers and assignation of geographical codes to the delivery points. Mr. Ghunney is currently a General Manager of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), with responsibilities to design and implement effective maintenance programmes with corresponding reporting formats throughout the utility; and to review maintenance-related specifications, standards and codes of practice. He is also Project Manager for Outage Management System/ Advanced Distribution Management System (OMS/ADMS) project being undertaken by the Electricity Company of Ghana. Furthermore, he served as a Team Member for MiDA/ECG GIS Project implementation.
Ing. Ghunney holds an MSc (Eng) and BSc Degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Gdansk, Poland.He is a member of the Ghana Institution of Engineer