Professor Dzigbodi-Adjimah is a Professor of Geology and Consultant in Economic Geology and Mineral Exploration. He is the first Ghanaian to be made a full Professor of Geology by a public university in Ghana and is currently the only full Professor of Geology in Ghana. He has over 30 years of working experience in gold, manganese, and iron mineralisations in Precambrian terrains with special emphasis on Birimian rocks of Ghana. Research activities that included reviews of age and tectonic relations in the Proterozoic rocks of Ghana and West Africa.Investigations into the petrology and mineralogy, ore genesis, and probable sources of the Au, Mn, and Fe in Ghanaian rocks and comparisons with similar deposits worldwide have led to the publication of over 30 journal and conference papers and innumerable scientific reports.Professor Dzigbodi-Adjimah is currently retired from his position as Professor of Geology at University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana