Associates Team
Professor Robert Darko Osei is an Associate Professor of with over 23 years Professor Darko Osei has been engaged in consultancy and research. He was the Lead Economist for the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)-Ghana Compact II Programme Development Team between February 2011 to 2014. The assignment which was on behalf of the Government of Ghana, involved (a) leading the team to undertake a constraints analysis for Ghana; (b) lead the development of beneficiary and ERR analysis for all activities that formed part of the Compact II (c) work with the team to develop a Ghana programme; (c) support the team with the negotiations of the Compact II. He was also a consultant for MCCU-Sierra Leone helping the Unit to undertake a Constraints Analysis study, as required by countries seeking to access support from the Millennium Challenge Corporation in the US.
He also was the Lead Economist for the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)-Ghana programme development. The assignment involved undertaking an Economic Impact Assessment for the MCA-Ghana programme and also advising the Ghana team on the economic implications on the various components of the programme. In 2006, he served as part of the ISSER team that designed and undertook the Baseline survey for the MCA – Ghana programme. The survey which was done in selected MCA- programme districts and other districts used as controls, covered topics such as land markets, household farming activities, access to markets and financial services, and housing conditions.