Feb 1, 2021
The assignment sought to contribute to EDSA’s transformation programme by building efficiencies in EDSA’s operations and assets base. It involved designing and implementing a customer census and geographic information system (GIS) mapping exercise in close collaboration with EDSA staff to establish EDSA’s customer and asset base. Integrated work procedures and processes in the utilization of IT and GIS infrastructure for effective management of EDSA
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:Services provided include:
- Assessment of the Existing Structure, Processes, and Procedures
- Conducting a Health and Safety Assessment and Developing a Health and Safety Assessment Plan
- Surveying the entire MV network and distribution substations in Freetown Surveying 1000km of EDSA’s LV Network and a minimum of 140,000 Customers in FreetownTagging of Assets along with the surveyed MV and LV networksQuality Assuring and Migrating the data into a UN (ESRI’s) database Building the Capacity of EDSA to be able to manage the GIS systems procured in placeDefine and prioritize the necessary changes required for the full integration of the GIS platform into the work processes of EDSA and identify the change management agents in each department. Revised Standard Operational Procedures to reflect integration of utility GIS application in work processesDevelop a plan and an implementation strategy reflecting the priorities, a communication strategy and the indicators to monitor and measure the level of achievements of the required changes in operational procedures. Implement the change management plan within the time available
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